Anne has the same root as her father’s, Albert.
Laure starts with the same consonant as Lucette, her grandmother, also a winegrower, and as Léon, her great - great grandfather, a dedicated winegrower.
Anne-Laure does now know where her roots come from and where her faith in winegrowing comes from, in spite of all the obstacles to overcome. As she tells us:
“ My ancestors remind me of my duty when I am on the wrong track; they have made me go through similar plights as the ones they knew so that I can learn how to stand back and therefore enjoy being a fulfilled winegrower in progress. As we all know, the most important thing in achieving satisfying issues is what we have done to achieve this outcome.”
Anne-Laure Beerens is a woman who has a passion for her work and the multiple sides of working with the land and what it produces.
Everything seemingly began in her early years. One day she joined her father who was having a break and rode the straddler with him. The precious image of those moments was to recur among others many years later. As a matter of fact she stored up wonderful memories of human relationships as well as of moments spent in nature, such as hours of gardening with her “auntie”.
They have been part of her life ever since she was a toddler and have punctuated her career:
“ my feet and hands in the earth, with people around looking after me”
That is why she naturally launched into wine marketing studies (Graduated at Bordeaux’s Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, then she got a wine marketing Master’s Degree, and ultimatelyqualified as a Wine Technician in Dijon) before coming back to the family estate in 2003.
Anne-Laure went through multiple life experiences before turning to Organic Agriculture in 2021 and finally remained the only one at the head of the 7 hectares.
Appealed by this challenge, she went on training in other estates to discover, understand and master agricultural methods that made sense to her.
She noticed all the importance of observing as well as slowing down, even though it appears as antithetical to how today’s society works. Yet it is a necessity as the act of slowing down itself is a chance. It enabled her to improve her knowledge of the plants cycles, the basis of her philosophy, to be able to transcend and magnify them in the end.
That is when the time of maturity came
“when life with its sinusoidal curve made me refocus on what now makes sense to me”.
A strong-willed yet big-hearted woman, she stands apart from those who have been her historical success models up to now. She clears the way to welcome and find inspiration from new winemakers, more sensitive and more careful with their vineyards and their products, namely challenging and appealing wines that can stir
emotions. This way of seeing things becomes a kind of “holy Grail”, a goal to reach far from the beaten track.
Anne-Laure sums it up in her own words:
“ Giving with your heart without expecting anything in return because this is how life functions and gives back. Taking care of the vine is a way to gradually master it better and treat it better. We are taming each other more and more, so to speak. Thanks to this
special link I am carried by an energy to transmit.
Life gets in depth as soon as we understand its meaning. My mission, as a winemaker, is to have you understand and share this “art”, so that you can appreciate the resulting Champagne wine. It sparkles and enraptures! And the magic happens when sharing it on precious moments that you will keep in mind for life.”
We are now reaching the end of 2024. After 4 intensive years devoted to converting the vineyards into ORGANIC AGRICULTURE, Anne-Laure feels she is in the right place and feels legitimate to her peers. This radical change in the type of viticulture which has needed both technical and human investment, sometimes hardly reasonable considering the balance between body and soul, has nevertheless been positive: she
now knows herself better, she interacts with winegrowers and technicians whose practices respect living organisms.
At this stage, even though knowledge in this matter is not sufficient, the main landmarks pave her way forward and guide her towards heartfelt yet reasonable choices, constant reminders that life is blessed.
After approaching all these practices, from healthy culture to electro-culture, with their specific complementary modules, Anne-Laure points out that the most important benefit she has made is the magic of enriching face-to-face relationships.
Her generous, lively character now expresses itself through sparkling vintages faithful to her true self.